Freeman of York


Johannis de Farendale

1334? to 1405?

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Johannis de Farendale was the son of Johannis de Farnedale (FAR00030), a sadler, so was perhaps born in about 1330 when his father would have been about 27.



His son may have been Johannes Fernedill, who later became a butcher (FAR00048A). If so might Johannis III have been born in about 1378, when Johannis II would have been 48. It is possible there was another generation between them.



Johannes was made a freeman of York in 1397 when he might have been about 67.

Freemanship of York could be obtained by patrimony. Patrimony is when the children of a Freeman claimed his freedom of the City as his heritage.

Johannes De Farndall 1397 Means: Patrimony Admission Register of Freemen of the City of York

Johannes de Farndall, fil. Johannis de Farndall, sadler

(Roll of Freemen, York)(Admissions to the Freedom of York: Temp. Richard II (1377-99), Pages 75-103, Register of the Freemen of the City of York: Vol. 1, 1272-1558. Originally published by Andrews & Co, Durham, 1897).

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If he died at say 75, then he might have died in about 1405.