John William Farndale  MRCS Eng, LRCP Lond

13 November 1868 to 30 March 1927 (buried)


The Whitby 5 Line




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John W Farndale, son of Joseph and Jane (nee Newton) Farndale (FAR00350B) was born on 13 November 1868 and baptised at St John., Middlesbrough on 1 December 1868. John William Farndale’s birth was registered in Stockton District the fourth quarter of 1868 (Vol 10a page 71).


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(note that there was a different John William Farndale who died age 0 at Stockton District third quarter 1868 (DR))






The 1871 Census for Chesterfield showed Joseph Farndale, Chief Superintendent of Police, 28 living with Jane Farndale, his wife, 29, John W Farndale, their son, 2 and Sarah Vaughan, a general servant.


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The 1881 Census recorded that Joseph Farndale, Chief Constable, 38, lived at 94 Municipality Building, Bishop Street, Leicester, with Jane Farndale, his wife, 40; John William Farndale, their son, 12; Alice Bush, a visitor and Naomi Parsons, general domestic servant.


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Kings Norton




In the 1891 census, Joseph Farndale, Chief of Police, 48, was listed at Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Kings Norton, Warwickshire, with Jane Farndale, 50; John William Farndale, a medical student, aged 22; three visitors; and three servants – a parlour maid, a housemaid, and a cook.


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Birmingham Daily Post, 11 April 1892: Birmingham men occupied a position of considerable eminence at the last second examination of the Examining Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. The two subjects in which the board examined were physiology and anatomy; and no less than ten Queen’s College candidates passed in both subjects, and two anatomy.... the two candidates who were successful in anatomy were Messrs J W Farndale and E G Coop. I believe that no other provincial medical school obtained the same number of successes in the double examination, that is for physiology and anatomy combined.


Leicester Chronicle, 29 October 1892: CIVIC BALL AT LEICESTER. The Mayor and Mayoress of Leicester brought to a close the successful round of civic hospitalities which has distinguished their term of office by a ball at the County Assembly Rooms last night. Some 500 invitations were accepted, and there was a large and influential company of guests. The accommodation afforded by the Assembly Rooms was thus taxed somewhat severely... Attendees... Mr. J Farndale and lady...




John Farndale attended the Birmingham Mayorial Reception with his father the Chief Constable, in 1894.


Birmingham Daily Gazette, 13 April 1894: THE MAYORAL RECEPTION. The hospitality of the mayor of Birmingham was extended last evening in the second-half of his worship's chosen guests. The company was not less brilliant than that of Wednesday night, and within the council house the scene was as bright and delightful as could be desired. In a sorting his guests under slightly different conditions to those that have prevailed of last year's Alderman Johnson certainly made more comfortable the lot of the ladies and gentlemen who accepted the invitations to be present at the reception and take part in the ball and entertainment subsequently.... attendees... Mr J Farndale, Mr J W Farndale...



London Evening Standard, 23 May 1896: THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. The following gentlemen, having passed the necessary examinations, and having conformed to the by laws and regulations, have been admitted members of the college, and are now entitled to practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery viz... John William Farndale...

The UK Medical Registers show that John William Farndale MRCS Eng, LRCP Lond was registered as a medical practitioner on 6 June 1896 and was living at 44 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham in 1899; engaged in Suva, Fiji in 1903; and engaged by the Northern Rhodesia Medical Service in 1911 and 1919. In 1923 his address was c/o the Standard Bank of South Africa in London.




Homeward Mail from India, China and the East, 4 June 1898: Departure of passengers Per P and OSN Co. SS INDIA , From London June 3, and Brindisi June 12; For Gibraltar, Malta, Brindisi, Port Said, Ismailia, Aden, Colombo, and Australia; Connecting Aden with SS Ganges for Bombay, and at Columbo with SS Coramandy for Straits, China and Japan. Passenger list... Mr J W Farndale...




He presumably marry Annie Florence Kate (maiden name unknown) from Fife at about the time he was in Fiji.


Margaret Gwendoline Farndale (FAR00703A) was born in Fife in about 1900 (census). So Kate must have travelled home for the births and appears to have lived in Scotland.




When his father, the Chief Constable of Birmingham, died in 1901, he was in Fiji:


Sutton Coldfield News, 29 December 1901: THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MR FARNDALE. The estate of the late Mr Joseph Farndale, of The Hollies, Sutton Coldfield, formerly chief of the city of Birmingham police, has been sworn at £1,059 19s 11d, and the personalty at £959 1s 8½d. As Mr Farndale died intestate, and his only one child and next of kin, Mr Joseph (sic, recte John) W Farndale, being resident at Ba, Fiji Islands, a grant of administration to the estate of the deceased had contained by Mr John Ansell, solicitor, 27, Bennetts Bill, Birmingham, on behalf of, and as lawful attorney to, Mr J W Farndale.


Joan Edna Murray Farndale (FAR00711A) was born in Fife on 30 June 1901 (1939 Register, census).




John was engaged in Suva, Fiji in 1903.




John seems to have returned from Fiji in 1904

Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), 10 February 1904: ARRIVALS BY THE MAIL. The following is the list of passengers by the Arabia which arrived on Friday from London … Farndale, Mr J W

Bombay, passengers arrived: Homeward Mail from India, China and the East, 20 February 1904: Per Arabia from London - … Mr J W Farndale




Kate Farndale was travelling home on her own in 1905.


Homeward Mail from India, China and the East, 29 April 1905: BOMBAY. PASSENGERS DEPARTED. Per Egypt (April 15) For London … Mrs Farndale


Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)




John was engaged by the Northern Rhodesia Medical Service in 1911 and 1919.




The daughters later lived in Worthing, West Sussex, so could this be this family?


“Free seaside excursion tickets are being given away this month …


Holborn and Finsbury Guardian, 25 July 1913: WORTHING. Clean comfortable apartments three minutes from sea; terms moderate. Apply Miss Farndale, 18 Park Road.


Willesdon, Middlesex




1921 censusWillesdon, Middlesex


John William Farndale, 52 years and 7 months, married, born Middlesbro’, Government Medical Officer, Colonials, retired

Annie Florence Kate Farndale, his wife, 44, from Fife

Margaret Gwendoline Farndale, his daughter, 20, born Fife, single, a bank clerk at London Joint City and Midland

Joan Edna Murray Farndale, 19, his daughter, born Fife, single, home duties


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In 1923 John’s address was c/o the Standard Bank of South Africa in London. So he was probably still working, at least temporarily, in South Africa or Rhodesia then.


Harrow and Hampstead, London




John William Farndale was registered at Harrow (Electoral Register).




John W Farndale, died aged 56 in 1927 (registered first quarter, GRO Vol 1a page 984) at Hampstead, London. He was buried at Hendon Cemetery and Crematorium on 30 March 1927 (Cemetery Registers).


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