The Farndale Directory

 The Farndale directory is the heart of the website. It records each individual Farndale and links them together through hyperlinks, so that you can directly follow your ancestry.


Home Page

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Return to the Home Page of the Farndale Family Website

The Farndale Story

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The story of one family’s journey through two thousand years of British History

The Farndale Lineages

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The 84 family lines into which the family is divided. Meet the whole family and how the wider family is related

The Farndale Directory

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Members of the historical family ordered by date of birth


Links to other pages with historical research and related material

Related Family Stories

The story of the Bakers of Highfields, the Chapmans, and other related families



Click on the volume of the year of birth of the Farndale you are looking for. Then find the person you are looking for in the list and click the link to that person's entry.


Very often the best way to start is to find yourself by the volume corresponding to your date of birth, and then trace your lineage backwards.




Farndale pre-history


Volume  1 - 1150-1500


Volume  2 - 1501-1600


Volume  3 - 1601-1649


Volume  4 - 1650-1699


Volume  5 - 1700-1725


Volume  6 - 1726-1750



Volume  7 - 1751-1760


Volume  8 - 1761-1770


Volume  9 - 1771-1780


Volume 10 - 1781-1790


Volume 11 - 1791-1800


Volume 12 - 1801-1810


Volume 13 - 1811-1820



Volume 14 - 1821-1830


Volume 15 - 1831-1840


Volume 16 - 1841-1850


Volume 17 - 1851-1860


Volume 18 - 1861-1870


Volume 19 - 1871-1880


Volume 20 - 1881-1890



Volume 21 - 1891-1899


Volume 22 - 1900-1909


Volume 23 - 1910-1919


Volume 24 - 1920-1929


Volume 25 - 1930-1939


Volume 26 - 1940-1949


Volume 27 - 1950-1959


Volume 28 - 1960-1969


Volume 29 – 1970-1979


Volume 30 - 1980-1989


Volume 31 - 1990-1999


Volume 32 - 2000-2009


Volume 33 - 2010-2019


The following Volumes may be used in future:


Volume 34 - 2020-2029


Volume 35 - 2030-2039


Volume 36 - 2040-2049



Please note that the Directory lists all Farndales. There has to be a cut off in a directory such as this. So the Directory will not continue to trace the children of Farndales once they cease to be a Farndale in name