Eileen M Farndale




 The Wetherby Line




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Eileen M Farndale, daughter of John William and Jane (nee Wade) Farndale (FAR00545), was born in 1920 and baptised at Wetherby on 27 June 1920 (St James, Wetherby PR). Her birth was registered in Wetherby District in the second quarter of 1920 (GRO Vol 9A Page 225).


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There may be some confusion between this Eileen M Farndale and Eileen M Farndale (FAR00914).



1921 Census – Wetherby


John W Farndale, 45, born Wetherby, a gardener for Lord Allerton, gentleman at the Firs, Wetherby

Jane Farndale, 38

Norman Farndale, son.9, born Wetherby about 1912

John Farndale, son, 6, born Wetherby about 1915

Eileen Farndale, daughter, 1, born Wetherby about 1920


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The Yorkshire Evening Post, 22 August 1952: FIRE DESTROYS A YORKS VILLAGE SMITHY. Fire destroyed the village blacksmith’s shop of Mr J W Harker, at Walton, near Boston Spa, at dawn today. A van and equipment also were burnt out. Mr Harker was aroused by Mrs Farndale, who is in her 70s and her daughter, Eileen. With neighbours, he attacked the fire with buckets of water until firemen arrived from Tadcaster.


Eileen M Farndale married Thomas A Wilson in 1953 and their marriage was registered in the second quarter of 1953 at Thirsk (GRO Vol 1b page 1657).