Links to genealogies of other families


This page provides information and links to other families associate with the Farndales


Home Page

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Return to the Home Page of the Farndale Family Website

The Farndale Story

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The story of one family’s journey through two thousand years of British History

The Farndale Lineages

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The 84 family lines into which the family is divided. Meet the whole family and how the wider family is related

The Farndale Directory

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Members of the historical family ordered by date of birth


Links to other pages with historical research and related material

Related Family Stories

The story of the Bakers of Highfields, the Chapmans, and other related families


The primary purpose of the website is to provide a thorough record of the history of the Farndale family. The research follows the patrilineal ancestry of the Farndale family as a method to explore a single family through the depths of time.

It is of course impracticable to explore every other family who has interfaced with the Farndales over time. Before we know it, we would have a history of the entire national history!

However there are some families who meet the Farndales through marriage, which have been explored in the research.


The Baker Family

Margaret Baker (BAK00002) married Alfred Farndale (FAR00683) in 1928. Margaret was descended from the Baker Family of Highfields, who in turn were related to the Bakers of Fenton House and Hasfield Court.  There is some suggestion that this family is also related to the Bakers of Sissinghurst, but this is now doubted. The Bakers in time, as the property at Highfields, themselves trace back to the Dod family.

We have some extensive family records of the Baker family and have undertaken further research. The research into the Baker family is now almost standing alone as a piece of work to the primary Farndale research. There is a very complete record of these families and will be of interest to those descended from the Baker line.

The Bakers are a historic landed family.

There is now a separate Baker home page, from where you can begin your exploration into the Bakers.


The Hall Line

Margaret Baker (BAK00002)’s father was Arthur Baker (BAK00155) and her mother was Marianne Hall (HAL00103). There is now a genealogy available of the Hall family, of Newcastle under Lyme and later Audlem, Cheshire with links to more details about individual members of that family.


The Buckingham Line

Martin Farndale (FAR00911) married Anne Buckingham (BUC00002) in 1956. There is now some work, which needs to be further developed, about the Buckingham Family.


The Chapman Line

Anne Buckingham (BUC00002)’s mother was Etheldreda Chapman. There is now some work, which needs to be further developed, about the Chapman family.


The Byron Line

Etheldreda’s father was Walter Chapman, who married Annie Mariah Byron in 1881. There is now some work, which needs to be further developed, about the Byron family. This family understands that they trace back to the wider family of Lord Byron, and this needs further work.


The Lindsay Line

Martin Farndale (FAR00364) married Catherine Jane Lindsay in 1877. There is now some work, which needs to be further developed, about the Lindsay family who originate in Alnwick and Scotland.


The Taylor Line

Martin Farndale (FAR00264) married Elizabeth Taylor in 1842. There is now some work, which needs to be further developed, about the Taylor Family.





The purpose of this page is to provide notes on research methods used in compiling the genealogy of the Farndale family and other related families.

At this stage you will find notes on research methods adopted.

You will also find notes on:

·        Surnames and how they assist in research.

There are also some notes on future research plans.