John Farndale

4 April 1799 to 20 October 1877 (buried)


The Kilton 3 Line




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Born in Kilton, later a farmer near Stockton on Tees



Headlines of John Farndale’s life are in brown.

Dates are in red.

Hyperlinks to other pages are in dark blue.

References and citations are in turquoise.

Context and local history are in purple.





John Farndale, son of John and Hannah (nee Wilson) Farndale (FAR00177), farmer, was baptised on 24 June 1799; and born at Kilton on 4 April 1799. The baptism was performed by the Reverend Harrison (Anglican) (Brotton PR, Yorkshire Baptisms and also in England Births and Baptisms 1538 to 1975).

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John married Elizabeth Hull at Long Newton on 21 June 1836 (Long Newton Parish Records). They don’t appear to have had a family.


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1841 Census, Higher Thorne, Long Newton


John Farndale, 42 a farmer

Elizabeth Farndale, 45 (ie born 1796)

Elisabeth Mudd, 20, female servant

William Pears, 19, male servant

John Bainbridge Jr, 14


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John was called up as a juror in 1845. The Precept, call roll and jury lists for the Michaelmas Sessions 1845, Traverse Jury included John Farndale of Yarm farmer, Sep-Oct 1845 (Yorkshire Archives, Document reference, QSB 1845 4/1/1 4 pieces Catalogued).



Durham Chronicle, 5 November 1847: Lord LONDONDERRY continued: Mr. John Smith of Long Newton, had been recommended by the judges for the best and neatest hedges in the South Division; and he would receive the £5 in the office when dinner was over; He (Lord L) hoped it would be an inducement to him to continue those improvements which, he was happy to say, he had made on his farm. The judges concluded by saying, “We also beg to recommend to your Lordship the names of the following tenants who deserve commendation for the spirited manner in which they have cultivated their farms, viz;... Mr Farndale, Long Newton... This concluded the list of prizes and recommendations, and he was glad to perceive that a spirit of competition had been induced, as shewn [sic] by the increased length of the list. He trusted they would continue to go on together as harmoniously as they had hitherto done, and that the competition would be still closer among them, cheers.




The 1851 Census for Harthorn, Long Newton listed John Farndale, 52, as a farmer of 143 acres, now remarried to Elizabeth, 56.


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Census 1861:


John Farndale at 3 Alma Street, Stockton, aged 62. A corn merchant, born at Kilton.

Elizabeth Farndale, his wife, aged 68. Born at Yarm.


The 1861 Census for 3 Alma Street, Stockton recorded that John Farndale, was married, 63 years old, and a corn merchant, living with Elizabeth Farndale, his wife, 68, born 1793 in Yarm.


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John Farndale died at Stockton aged 78 in 1877 and his death was registered in the fourth quarter of 1877 (GRO Vol 1c page 143). He was buried at St John the Baptist, Egglescliffe, County Durham, on 20 October 1877 (Egglescliffe PR).


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