Florence Eileen Farndale


6 October 1914 to 1999


 The Ampleforth 1 Line




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Huttons Ambo



Florence E Farndale, daughter of Mary Helen Farndale FAR00648 before Mary married, was born in Huttons Ambo on 6 October 1914 (1939 Register) and baptised on 29 November 1914 at Huttons Ambo. His birth was registered in Malton District in the fourth quarter of 1914 (GRO Vol 9D Page 732).



1921 Census – Malton


James Farndale (FAR00427), 63 years old, married, an invalid, Eileen’s grandfather

Elizabeth farndale, 53 years old, ‘home duties’

Charles Farndale, 14 years and 10 months, a stable boy at the Hall, Huttons Ambro.

Julia Farndale, 12, born Huttons Ambro, in full time education

Lily Farndale, 10 born Huttons Ambro, in full time education

Elieen Farndale, 6, born Huttons Ambro, in full time education


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1939 Register – Castle House, Welburn York, Welburn, Malton

Florence E Farndale (marked later Simmons), born 6 October 1914, single, domestic worker, kitchen maid

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Florence E Farndale lived at 16 Howley Place, Paddington, London (Electoral Register).



Florence E Farndale, married James W Simmons in 1949 and their marriage was registered in the third quarter of 1949 in Paddington District (GRO Vol 5d page 583).


James W Simmons died aged 52 in 1962 and his death was registered in Southwark, London in the first quarter of 1962 (GRO Vol 5d page 653).


Florence Eileen Simmons, born on 6 October 1914, died in 1999 aged 84 and her death was registered in April 1999 in North Yorkshire (GRO District 6501K Register Number K1 entry 197).