The America 1 Line

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The genealogy of the line of Farndales, descended from Jim Farndale and Edna Adams, who settled in the United States having emigrated via Canada


Home Page

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Return to the Home Page of the Farndale Family Website

The Farndale Story

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The story of one family’s journey through two thousand years of British History

The Farndale Lineages

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The 84 family lines into which the family is divided. Meet the whole family and how the wider family is related

The Farndale Directory

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Members of the historical family ordered by date of birth


Links to other pages with historical research and related material

Related Family Stories

The story of the Bakers of Highfields, the Chapmans, and other related families


This webpage comprises the genealogical family tree of the America 1 Line and then summarises the deeper ancestry of this line of the Farndales.

The family tree is colour coded to show the flow of relationships between individuals. You can also follow the hyperlinks in brown text to link directly to other related family lines and the hyperlink in blue text to reach the webpage of each individual, where you can read about their lives in more detail.










John Joseph Gilbert Adams II

1620 to 10 October 1696

Married Frances Elizabeth Taylor (1626 to 1696)

Watertown, Middlesex, Cambridge, Lexington, Massachusetts, Fairfax, Virginia






















George L Adams III

29 May 1650 to 17 February 1733

Married Martha Fiske (1688 to 1747) on 28 February 1683

Concord, Middlesex, Lexington, Massachusetts




















John Adams

1688 to 1774


Benjamin Adams

20 December 1701 to 26 December 1784

Married Eunice on 27 October 1723

Cambridge, Chelmsford, Lexington, Worcester, Middlesex, Massachusetts


Martha Adams





John Adams

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1735 to 1826

Served as the second US President from 1797 to 1801

Could he be related?












John Quincy Adams

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1767 to 1848

Served as the sixth US President from 1825 to 1829





Micajah Adams

11 February 1728 to 28 October 1791

Married Mary Stark (1738 to 1793)

Lexington, Massachcetts, Plainfield, Connecticut, Meriden, New Hampshire

William Adams

Eunice Adams


















Simeon Adams Senior

23 January 1742 to 29 January 1817

Married Elizabeth (1770 to 1817)

Groton, New London, Connecticut, Oswego County, New York


Eliphalett Adams

1753 to 1757

















Simeon Adams (1790 to 1876), David Adams (1791 to 1820), Nancy Adams (1800 to 1821), Samuel Adams (1800 to 1821), Elizabeth Adams (1802 to 1820),

Sarah Adams (1803), Thebe Adams (1806 to 1820), Mariah Adams (1810 to 1821), Almira Adams (1811 to 1821), John Adams (1815 to 1820), Elias G Adams (1816 to 1884)


Elias G Adams

6 September 1816 to 8 March 1884

Elias G. Adams

Married Eleanor E Eggleston

Oswego County, New York




















Elizabeth Adams


John W Adams



George H Adams



Adelbert Eugene Adams

Adelbert Elias Adams

18 December 1858 to January 1949

Married Sarah J Shinabarger

Oswego County, New York, Porter, Indaiana, Vermont, California


Rosa Adams


Abram L Adams




Eva L Adams

1866 to 1924


















The Tidkinhow Line











James (“Jim”) Farndale

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22 December 1885 to 20 January 1967

Ironstone miner, carpenter, Carpenter’s Union leader, US Senator for Nevada

Tidkinhow, Alberta, Nevada

Married Edna Ellen Adams on 25 September 1917




Edna Ellen Adams

Edna Ellen Adams

31 May 1894 to 27 November 1979

La Porte, Indiana

Angie Hazel Adams

Angie Hazel Adams

1892 to 6 November 1967





Hazel Jane (“Janie”) Farndale

James Noel (“Jimmy”) Farndale


Mary Ellen Farndale


Gordon Elliott Farndale


Doris Farndale



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19 September 1922 to 28 February 1996

Married John Elief Rydell on 20 December 1941

California and Austin, Texas


25 December 1923 to 20 April 1989

Served with the US Army Air Corps in WW 2 and later worked for Braniff Airways

Married Jean (nee Fraser) Smith in 1955

California and Garland, Texas



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19 December 1926 to 5 June 2010

Worked in a chemical laboratory

Married Samuel Mentzer

Nevada, California






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15 April 1932 to 18 April 2005

Nevada and California

Married Sherrill Hostetler in 1952 and Alberta Allen on 21 May 1977



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20 August 1935 to 3 September 1955

She married James D Jaeger in about 1955 (who served in the air force in Japan)

Killed in a car accident

Las Vegas, Nevada





















John Ellis Rydell


Kermit Leon Rydell



Charlie Mentzer

Cynthia Lee Farndale

9 November 1956 to 12 December 1956

Los Angeles, Las Vegas

Mark A Farndale


Los Angeles, West Hollywood, California

Stables owner


Linda Farndale (Bruno)


Thousand Oaks, California, Arizona





If you are subscribed to Ancestry you can also visit the Farndale Family Tree on Ancestry, which links the whole family together.


The Deeper Ancestry of the America 1 Line

The matrix below will transport descendants of the America 1 Line into a personal journey into their deep ancestry. It is an extract of the Farndale Story which is bespoke for the America 1 Line descendants. It will take you back to the earliest history of our ancestors and each box will transport you to a more detailed narrative to unlock your history.




Kirkdale Cave

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A Time Machine to a different era of geological time in the heart of our ancestral home







The Primeval Swamp

A thatched roof house in the woods

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The Iron Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, and Mesolithic evidence of the people of the immediate vicinity to Farndale




Isurium Brigantum (Aldborough)

The Roman Regional Capital of the lands around Kirkdale


A Roman Villa on palatial scale just south of Kirkdale


A Roman Villa only 2km from Kirkdale in the heart of our ancestral lands

Roman Kirkdale

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71 CE to 580 CE

The lands which would become the lands of Kirkdale and Chirchebi in Roman and Pagan times

The Roman Arm Purse

A Roman arm purse which can be seen in the British Museum in London today, found in about the second century CE by a cairn overlooking Farndale, which will transport you back 2,000 years

Eboracum (York)

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The Roman Capital of northern England where Constantine was proclaimed Emperor





Anglo Saxon Kirkdale

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560 CE to 793 CE

Kirkdale and the Chirchebi Estate in the Anglo Saxon Period

Anglo Saxon Kirkdale

Kirkdale from its founding in about 685 CE to the beginning of the Scandinavian period in about 800 CE

Eoforwic (York)

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Deirian and Northumbrian York, a political, cultural and educational Hub on the European stage


The Deira

The people who dominated our ancestral lands

Alcuin and the birth of modern education

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The world of Ecgbert and Aethelbert, successors to Bede, and their pupil Alcuin, who took York’s powerhouse of knowledge to the court of Charlemagne to pioneer the European educational system



Orm Gamalson

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The powerful figure at the heart of the aristocracy, who rebuilt Kirkdale and put our ancestral lands firmly onto the national political stage

Scandinavian Kirkdale

A stone church with a cemetery

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793 CE to 1066

Kirkdale and the Chirchebi Estate in the Scandinavian Period

Anglo-Saxon-Scandinavian Kirkdale

Kirkdale in the Anglo-Saxon-Scandinavian period from about 800 CE to 1066, with a brief summary of its history through to 1500

Jorvik (York)

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The Scandinavian centre of northern England

The Kirkdale Sundial

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A unique treasure whose secrets transport us into the world of the eleventh century upon which you can stare today, imagining direct ancestors who did the same a thousand years ago



Norman Domination

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Regime Change

Game of Thrones

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1066 to 1200

The People of the Kirkbymoorside (“Chirchebi”) Estate after the Norman Conquest

Rievaulx Abbey

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This history of the Cistercian monastery of Rievaulx, in whose Chartulary the name Farndale was first recorded in 1154



The Pathfinders

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Our Pioneer ancestors who left Farndale but took its name to settle in new places

Poachers of Pickering Forest

Tales of a surprisingly large number of our forebears who were poachers in Pickering Forest. Their archery skills would foretell the legends of Robin Hood and the English army at Agincourt

Medieval Farming

Sheep and Shepherds by MINIATURIST, English

Rural lifestyles from the Norman Conquest

The First Family Tree

A model which relies on extensive medieval evidence, to suggest the most probable family tree of the earliest ancestors of the Farndales

The Cradle

Thirteenth Century Farndale

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Clearing the dale to build our new home


The Story of Farndale to 1500

The story of the dale of Farndale to 1500, to accompany the family story

Medieval Warfare

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Tales of archers and men at arms who fought with Richard II, Henry IV and Henry V and an observation post in the home of the Nevilles and Richard III from which to view the Wars of the Roses

Campsall and Barnsdale Forest

The history of the village of Campsall north of Doncaster, where we find our ancestors in the sixteenth century

The History of Doncaster to 1500

The History of pre industrial Doncaster from its Roman inception as Danum to the end of the sixteenth century

The Vicar of Doncaster

The Family of William Farndale, the Fourteenth Century Vicar of Doncaster

The Kirkleatham Skelton Line


Arrival in the old Bruce lands around Skelton Castle

The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Families of Kirkleatham, Skelton, Moorsholm and Liverton in Cleveland


A history of Kirkleatham and Wilton, the place where our family first settled in Cleveland





The Liverton 2 Line





The Miners

The family story of mining, mainly for ironstone, the primary resource behind the industrial development of Cleveland


Transition to the Industrial Revolution

John Farndale, my great x2 uncle, was a prolific writer who captured the essence of the late eighteenth century and its transition into the Industrial Revolution. The family’s history provides a direct pathway to experience these years of momentous change

Brotton Old Graveyard

Three generations of Kilton Farndales in one place.

A side trip to nearby Boosbeck and Skelton take you to the gravestones two later generations. Take in Wensley and you’ll find two more recent generations.

Seven generations of the family in one short drive

The Kilton 1 Line

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The Farmers of Kilton

The First Hub

The story of the Kilton Farndales, a family who dominated a village, since lost to time, over two centuries

Kilton, the Lost Village

The story of the lost village of Kilton and its sylvan landscape


A journey around modern Kilton, of farms, a ruined castle and a small village of Kilton Thorpe to capture the essence of the two century home of Farndales

The Smugglers of Old Saltburn

Stories of smugglers, led by my great x3 grandfather known as the King of the Smugglers, and the undoubted involvement of our forebears


The Lindsays

The story of the Scottish Lindsays, Catherine Lindsay’s family

The Farndales of Tidkinhow

The story of the Farndales of Tidkinhow and the adventures of twelve siblings who lived in a house that wasn’t big enough for them all

The Tidkinhow Line

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Atlantic crossings at the time of Titanic

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The story of five brothers and two sisters who crossed the Atlantic in the age of Titanic to emigrate to Canada

The Albertans

The story of the Farndales of Tidkinhow who left Yorkshire for a new life on the Prairies


Jim Farndale

1885 to 1967

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A pioneer who played an important role in the construction of the Hoover Dam in Nevada and later became a US Senator

The Hoover Dam

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The story of the Hoover Dam, with which Jim Farndale was associated


The Americans

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Scene 1 is the story of the family of Jim Farndale, US Senator, who settled in Nevada and California.

The America 1 Line

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The First World War Soldiers

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The story of the many soldiers from the family who took up arms in the First World War

The First World War


The context of the First World War to the Farndale Story

The Second World War soldiers, sailors and airmen

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The story of the Farndales who took up arms in the Second World War

The Second World War Soldiers

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The context of the Second World War



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Jim Farndale’s visit to Alberta family in 1931            Jim Farndale’s visit to Yorkshire in 1954

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Martin Farndale (second from left), the original author of this genealogical research, with Jean (Jimmy’s wife), Janie and Jim at Foot Hood, Texas in August 1986


The lineage of Edna Adams

I have a rough sketch out of the lineage of Edna Ellen Adams. It is worth further exploration as to whether her family might be linked to the Second US President, John Adams (1735 to 1826) who served as President from 1797 to 1801, and his son, the sixth, John Quincy Adams (1767 to 1848), who served from 1825 to 1829, but I haven’t yet joined the dots.



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