William Faryndon

1356? to 1416?

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It seems likely that there was a generation between Johannis de Farendale (FAR00035) and John Fernedill (FAR00048A). Since there was a medieval soldier who fought in Scotland between 1383 to 1389 variously called John Farondell, John Farnham, John Farendon and John Farodell, this seems likely to have been John Farndale, consistent with the chain of John Farndales of York. Since William Faryndon also fought in the same campaigns in Ireland, this might have been John’s brother.

1383 to 1389


John Farondell, John Farnham, John Farendon and John Farodell was an archer and in one muster roll a man at arms in expeditions and standing forces in Scotland during this period. He appears in lists of medieval soldiers at this time. He served variously under Sir William Fulthorpe, Henry Percy (d. 1408) Earl of Northumberland, John of Gaunt (d. 1399) Duke of Lancaster and Thomas Mowbray (the family who once owned the lands which included Farndale) (1366 - 1399) Duke of Norfolk.

Also serving in these same campaigns were Henry Farendon and William Faryndon or Farnham, who might have been his brothers.



If he lived to about 60, he might have died in about 1416.