William ffarnedaill
22 January 1599 (baptised) to 24 January
1677 (buried)
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We now get to much more detail about the individual, and certainty of record. William is not in my own direct line of ancestry. But it is at this point that we start to get to different lines to modern families named Farndale.
Headlines of William Farndale’s life are in brown.
Dates are in red.
Hyperlinks to other pages are in dark blue.
References and citations are in turquoise.
Context and local history are in purple.
William ffarnedaill, the son of George (Georgi)
and Margery (nee Nelson) Farndall (FAR00067) was baptised
at Skelton on 22 January 1599 (Skelton PR, Teeside Archives
PR/SK 1/1).
William Farndale must have married in about 1622
because of dates of birth of his family. He seems to have married Jane. Jane
Farndale of Moorsome
was buried at Liverton on 22 October 1682.
If she was 80 when she died then she was born in about 1602.
George Farndall was born at Skelton on 3
October 1624 (FAR00077).
Isabell Farndayll was
born at Skelton on 31 May 1628 (FAR00079).
James Farndell was born at Skelton in 1630 (FAR00080).
Anne Farndell was born and died at Skelton on 30
September 1632 (FAR00081).
There was an Unknown Farndale, who married John
Mitin, say born in 1634.
Mar (Margery)
Farndale (FAR00084) was born at
Skelton and baptised on 20 May 1635. She died in 1680.
William Farndale of Moorsome had two
hearths (Hearth Tax, 1674).
William Farndale of Liverton was exempt from paying Hearth Tax (Hearth Tax, 1685).
William Farndale, of Hilton brought charges against James Hodgeson
and William Kempley of Seamer on 23 Aug 1685 (QS
22 Jan 1697. Will
of William Farnedaile, of Lytle Ayton proved. (If it
is this William he must have been 98 years old. However it fits as there is no
mention of a wife, his eldest son is dead and he has great grand
‘January this 22nd Day of 1697. I William Farnedaile of Lytle Ayton within the Diocese of Yorke,
being weake in bodye but
whole and sound in mind and of good and perfeit
memory, prassed God for itt
doe make and ordain this my last will and all former wils
be voide and of none effect. First of all I bequeath
my soule unto the hands of my Heavenly Father that,
as He did create itt also by the pretious
blode of Jesus Christ he will again for his sake
receive itt.
Item. I give to my sonne
George Farndall’s (FAR00077) three sonns, Francis, George and Richard, 5 pound apece.
Item. I give unto George’s (FAR00077) three daughters,
Elizabeth, Merill and Elce (Alice?), fifte shilling apece.
Item. I give unto my sonne
James farndale, (FAR00080) my
best sute of close and ten shilling in the year for
seven years.
Item. I give unto James farndale’s
sonns (FAR00094 and unknown) six
shilling and eight pence.
Item. I give unto my daughter Ishbil
Atkinson (FAR00079) twenty
shilling and to her seven children six shilling and eight pence apece.
Item. I give unto my son-in-law John Mitin and his
wife ten shilling apece and ten shilling apece to his five children.
Item. I give unto Robert Hooper the elder, ten
Item. I give unto William Farndale (FAR00093) of Liverton, two shilling.
Item. I give unto the poor of Skelton, one
shilling and sixpence.
Item. I give unto the poor of Moorsome, three
Item. I give unto the poor of Stanghowe,
one shilling.
And it is my will
that all the above legacies shall be paid by my executors within one whole year
after my decease being lawfully demanded and paieing
a discharge of the same to all persons as is att age.
And for such as is not att age, to pay them as they coum of age, and any of them that shall be taken away
before they coum of age, then the legacies soe given
shall be redeemed to my executor.
And it is my will that my debts shall be paide, my funerall expenses
discharged and bodie committed to the ground, all the
rest of my estate whatsoever moveable and unmoveable, I give to my grandchilde, William
Farndalle, (FAR00093) the son of George Farndalle
(FAR00077) deceased, whom I make my whole and sole executor of this my last
Will and Testament. In witness whereof I, the said William Farndalle,
(FAR00093) have sett my hand and seal the day and
year first above written.
Signed William Farndale (Seal).
Witnesses: William Younge; Robert Masterman;
Thomas Masterman; William Calvert.
(York Wills)
Still to reconcile:
William Farndale, died January 1677 at Great Ayton and was buried 24th Jan 1677
at Great Ayton (Great Ayton PRs, Cleveland Historical Society).