The Great Ayton 1 Line







A seventeenth century family focused at Great Ayton





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General Sir Martin Farndale KCB



The Story of the Great Ayton 1 Line

Georgs Farndall was born on 3 October 1624 in or around Skelton. He married Meriall Younge in about 1653 and they had 8 children. The family appear to have lived at Stockton on Tees, but over time were more associated with Great Ayton.








The Skelton 1 Line





























Georgs Farndall

3 October 1624 to 19 January 1677

Married Meriall Younge (1624 to ?)

Skelton, Great Ayton, Stockton
























Philip Farndale

Born 1650

Great Ayton



William Farndale

Born 1654

Skelton, Great Ayton, Loftus

A Juror at Loftus




Elizabeth Farndale

Born 1655

Married Thomas Taylor

Great Ayton



Elce (Alice) Farndale

Born 1655

Married George Tunstall




Richard Farndale

Born 1657

Great Ayton



George Farndale

Born 1658



Merill Farndale

Born 1659



Francis Farndale

Born 1660

















Elizabeth Farndale

Born 28 February 1695

Great Ayton



Elizabeth Farndale

Born 17 December 1682

Great Ayton



The Taylor Family


The Tunstall Family










The Ancestry of the Great Ayton 1 Line

The Great Ayton 1 Line can trace directly back to 1512 from Georgs Farndall Farndale to Nicholas Farndaile as follows:

Georgs Farndall (FAR00077), 1624 - 1677

The Skelton 1 Line


William ffarndedaill (FAR00071), 1599 - ?


The Kirkleatham Skelton Line


George Ffarndayle, (FAR00067), 1570-1606


William Farndale, (FAR00063), 1539-?


Nicholas Farndaile (FAR00059), 1512-1572


You can then follow details of Farndale in the medieval period who were almost certainly earlier ancestors at Volume 1 of the Farndale directory.


You can then explore Yorkshire prehistory to give you a further perspective of the distant ancestry of the people of Farndale.



Chronology of the Great Ayton 1 Line


3 October 1624

Georgs Farndall was christened at Skelton.


About 1650


Philip Farndale was born. He had a daughter, Elizabeth, baptised in Great Ayton on 28 February 1675.

About 1653

George Farndale married Meriall Younge.


25 March 1654

William Farndale was born. William married Mary Bennyson at Great Ayton on 27 September 1678. They had a daughter, Elizabeth, baptised on 17 December 1682 in Great Ayton. He may have been sworn for jury service in 1700.


About 1655

Elizabeth Farndale was born. She married Thomas Taylor in 1675.


Elce (Alice) Farndale was born. She married George Tunstall in 1673.


About 1657

Richard Farndale was born.


About 1658

George Farndale was born.


About 1659

Merill Farndale was born.


About 1660

Francis Farndale was born.


19 January 1677

George Farndale, son of William Farndale, was buried at Great Ayton.


31 October 1681

Administration of George Farndale, late of Stockton on Tees, who died intestate, was grated to his widow Merilia Farndale.