Elias Farndale

23 April 1755 to 3 January 1831 (Buried)


The Ampleforth 1 Line




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Farmer of Coxwold.


Headlines of Elias’ life are in brown.

Dates are in red.

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References and citations are in turquoise.

Context and local history are in purple.





Elias Farndale, son of Elias and Elizabeth (nee Raper) Farndale (FAR00147), was baptised in the Anglican Church at Thirsk on 16 July 1755 (Thirsk Parish Records). His birth date was 23 April 1755.


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Elias Farndale appears to have moved from Thirsk to Yearsley, about 20 km to the southwest of Thirsk, sometime before 1785, say 1780. Perhaps he took work as a farm labourer in the area.




Elias Farnill married Dorothy Heseltine (1757 to 1840), daughter of Geoff Heseltine on 14 June 1785 by banns at Ampleforth. England, Marriages, 1538–1973. He would have been aged about 30.


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Ann Farnill, daughter of Elias and Dorothy Farnill was baptised at Ampleforth on 18 June 1786.


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By 1788 they lived at Windgate farm. This may be a reference to Wildon Hill Farm, about 2km west of Coxwold. But from the evidence below, I think Windgate Farm at Yearsley. There is a Windyridge Farm there.


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Windridge Farm

William Farnell (FAR00220A), son of Elias and Dorothy Farnell was born at Windgate Hill Farm, Coxwold on 21 September 1788.


William Farnell, born Coxwold son of Elias Farndale and Dorothy Farndell (nee Heseltine – spelt Hessledine here) at Windgate Hill, Coxwold, Farmer. Baptised 26 October 1788. Born on 21 October 1788. This is probably a reference to Windyridge Farm at Yearsley.


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So was Elias a farmer in Yearsley in 1788.



Jethro Farnill (FAR00218), son of Elias and Dorothy Farnill, was born on 12 December 1790 at Ampleforth, and baptised on 16 January 1791 (Ampleforth PR).


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Elias Farndale (FAR00224), son of Elisha and Dorothy Farndale, was born at Ampleforth on 7 February 1793 (Ampleforth PR). He was baptised there on 3 March 1793.


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Richard Farnill, son of Elias and Dorothy Farndale, was born on 16 August 1797 and baptised on 31 August 1797 in Yearsley.


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There is a Land Tax record against Elias Farndale made pursuant to an Act of Parliament for granting an aid to His Majesty by a Land Tax to be raised in Great Britain for the service of the year 1798. The sum of £1 11s 6d was paid by Elias Farndale as the occupier, with a Mr Fairfax shown as the proprietor. Given the proximity of Yearsley to Ampleforth and the date, this was presumably Elias.



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Some time later, in 1835, an Edward Ewbank was seeking to prove his entitlement to land and he gave evidence that the Ewbank land extended to a boundary with the ground of Elisha Farndale in Yearsley by a small stream.


Yorkshire Gazette,18 April 1835: Mr Edward Ewbank, of Gilling, proved that his grandfather formerly rented the Gilling Warren, and that his jurisdiction extended over the lands now occupied by the appellants. He remembered a stone, having G on one side and Y on the other, which was put down 26 years ago, in the place of an older one, and which, along with some others cover formed the boundary between the parishes. William Heseltine, 66 years of age, was born at Gilling, and had lived there for all his life, his father had a warren under Lord Fairfax, on whose estate there were three; he had received information from his father respecting the boundaries; they were also separated from Elisha Farndale by a small stream of water; his ground was in Yearsley, and the witness’s in Gilling. John Trousdale, aged 68, had known Gilling 52 years last Martinmas, and knew the enclosures of the appellants; he had cut turf there for the rector of Gilling; had never heard of the perambulation 38 years since, by the Yearsley people. John Rymer, who had known Gilling 39 years; and John Clark, who had lived with the rector of Gilling, 53 years ago, corroborated the account of the former witnesses...


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Elias Farndal died in or about 1831, and was buried on 3 January 1831 at Stillingfleet, south of York. Another record also records Elias Farndale’s death at Stillngfleet, but buried on 22 August 1830. He would have been 76. There is a suggestion that he died on 24 March 1829.