John Thomas Farndale

22 March 1866 to 13 December 1943


The Coatham Line




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Estate land drainer and woodman of Redcar


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John Thomas Farndale, son of Matthew (farm labourer of Coatham) and Ann (nee Readman) Farndale (FAR00297) was born at Coatham, near Kirkleatham on 22 March 1866 (1939 Register) at 1.15am. The birth was registered in Guisborough District on 30 March 1866 by Ann Farndale, mother, of Coatham, who made her mark (GRO Vol 9d page 455).  John was baptised at Coatham.


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Census 1871 - 15, Pierson Street, East Coatham:

Matthew Farndale, head; marr; age 42; Foreman at Sandbanks; born Malton (ie born 1829). (Coatham Sand Banks is the area of coastline west of Coatham)

Ann Farndale, wife; marr age 36; born Marske; (ie born 1835).

Mary Farndale, daughter; u/m; age15; scholar; born East Coatham (ie born 1856) (FAR00414).

Ann Farndale, daughter; u/m; age13; scholar; born East Coatham;(ie born 1858) (FAR00428).

Sarah M Farndale, daughter; u/m; age10; scholar; born East Coatham; (ie born 1861) (FAR00442).

George Farndale, son ;age 8; scholar; born East Coatham; (born 5 Dec 1862) (FAR00451).

John Thomas Farndale, son; age 5; scholar; born East Coatham;(born 22 Mar 1866) (FAR00473).


Robert William Farndale, 2 (FAR00490).



Census 1881 - 10, Allerton Terrace, Kirkleatham near Redcar:

Matthew Farndale, head; marr; age 53; lab; born Malton; (ie born 1828).

Ann Farndale, wife; marr; age 46; born Marske; (ie born 1835).

Mary Farndale, daughter; u/m; age 25; dressmaker; born Coatham; (ie born1856) (FAR00414).

Annie Farndale, daughter; u/m; age 23; laundress; born Coatham; (ie born 1858) (FAR00428).

Sarah M Farndale, daughter; u/m; age 20; laundress; born Coatham; (ie born1861) (FAR00442).

George Farndale, son; u/m; age18; lab; born Coatham; (ie born 1863) (FAR00451).

John T Farndale
, son; u/m; age15; scholar; born Coatham;(1866) (FAR00473).

Robert W Farndale, son; u/m; age 12; scholar; born Coatham; (born 30 Aug 1868) (FAR00490).




1891 Census – Alerton Terrace, Coatham


Matthew Farndale, head; marr; age 63; agricultural labourer; born Malton; (ie born 1828).

Ann Farndale, wife; marr; age 56; born Marske; (ie born 1835).

Mary Farndale, daughter; u/m; age 35; dressmaker; born Coatham; (ie born1856) (FAR00414).

Annie Farndale, daughter; u/m; age 33; laundress; born Coatham; (ie born 1858) (FAR00428).

John T Farndale, son; u/m; age 25; agricultural labourer; born Coatham;(1866) (FAR00473).

Robert W Farndale, son; u/m; age 22; agricultural labourer; born Coatham; (born 30 Aug 1868) (FAR00490).


Mary Readman (sister in law), 83 (is this a mistake – see below?); Sarah Jane Whaite (granddaughter), 2 and a lodger also living with them.




1901 Census – 10 Allerton Terrace, Coatham


Matthew Farndale, head; marr; age 73; general labourer; born Marton; (ie born 1828).

Annie Farndale, daughter; u/m; age 43; laundress; born Coatham; (ie born 1858) (FAR00428).

John T Farndale, son; u/m; age 35; general labourer; born Coatham (1866) (FAR00473).

Robert Wm Farndale, son; u/m; age 32; general labourer; born Coatham; (born 30 Aug 1868) (FAR00490).


Mary Readman (sister in law), 43, widow also living with them and Sarah Jane White (granddaughter), 12.


London Gazette 21 January 1908: JOSEPH LISTER, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Joseph Lister, late of Topcliffe, in the county of York, corn miller, deceased, who died on the 24th day of May 1907 at Topcliffe aforesaid, and whose will was proved by Mary Elizabeth Lister and John Thomas Farndale, in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of justice, on first day of August 1907, are hereby required to send, in writing, particulars of their claims and demands to us, the undersigned … dated the 16th day of January 1908...




Census 1911 – 63 High Street, Coatham


Annie Farndale, 58, single, laundress

John Thomas Farndale, 45, single, land drainer

Mary Redman, 53

Sarah Jane White, 22






Census 1921 – Guisborough


Now available but not yet checked






1939 Register


John T Farndale, born 23 February 1866, a woodman, single, 69 at 99 Queen Street, Redcar.




Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council: Cleveland Standard, 12 July 1941:  Salvage collection. A letter was submitted from Mr J Farndale stating that he would prefer to continue to carry out the salvage collection, in the part of the district allotted to him, for the sum of £15 per day, the necessary assistance being provided by the Council. In the event of the Council wishing to provide the assistance Mr Farndale stated that he was prepared to carry out the collection in his part of the district once every three weeks for the sum of £9. The Council agreed to pay the sum of £9.



John Thomas Farndale aged 77 of 99 Queen Street, Redcar, an Estate Land Drainer Retired died of arterio sclerosi and rheumatism at Queen Street. S J White, niece present at the death, on 13 December 1943 (
Death Certificate). He was buried at Christ Church, Coatham on 16 December 1943, aged 77 (PR).