Thomas William Farndale

13 June 1882 to 27 December 1950 (buried)


The Whitby 5 Line




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Thomas William Farndale, son of Samuel (iron stone miner of Egton) and Mary (nee Hoggarth) Farndale (FAR00410) was born at Egton on 13 June 1882 (Birth Certificate) and baptised on 2 July 1882. The birth was registered in Whitby District by Mary Farndale, mother, of Egton on 10 July 1882 (GRO Vol 9d page 463).


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Census 1891 Egton


Samuel Farndale, 35, head, iron stone miner

Mary Farndale, 28

Sarah Farndale, 10, scholar, born Egton about 1881

Thomas Farndale, son, 8, scholar, born Egton about 1883

Annie Farndale, 7, scholar, born Egton about 1884

John Farndale, 0, born Egton about 1891


Liverton Mines




Liverton Mines School, 2 November 1892 – Thomas Farndale, who had been in Standard 2 a few weeks, was put down into Standard 1 owing to “dullness”. “The aforesaid boy, however, instead of obeying, walked out of school. He came again in the afternoon and resumed his place in St 2. On being told he could not be allowed there, but would have to go into St 1 he again walked out of the room. The master requainted the managers with the particulars of the case.”

3 November. The boy mentioned above repeated his conduct of yesterday, today.


4 November. Today, the above boy walked quietly into Standard 1 desks, and on being spoken to, spoke quite insolently to the master, and said he would do nothing. He has however done his work today.






Census 1901 – 3 Newcomen Terrace, Loftus


Sam Farndale, 46, ironstone miner

Mary Farndale, 38

Thomas Farndale, 18, blast furnace labourer

John Farndale, 11

Meggie Farndale, 8, born Liverton Mines 1893

The Cuthbert family (also an ironstone miner)



Thomas W Farndale, married Christie Ann Dixon in the fourth quarter of 1908 at Guisborough District. (




Leslie Farndale (FAR00757) was born in Loftus on 29 March 1909.




1911 census – 4 Martin Row, Liverton Mines, Loftus


Thomas William Farndale, 28, ironstone miner (rachet)

Christine Ann Farndale, 27, born Whitby

Leslie Farndale, son, 2, born Loftus in 1909

A visitor



Polly Farndale (FAR00774) was born in Loftus in or about 1911.




Ethel Farndale (FAR00798) was born in or about 1913 and died on 11 December 1913.




Alice Farndale (FAR00806) was born at Liverton Mines on 3 October 1914.




Thomas William Farndale (FAR00842) was born at Loftus on 15 August 1917.




Christie Ann Farndale (FAR00860) was born at Loftus on 7 May 1920.




1921 CensusLoftus


Thomas William Farndale, 39, lights on man, Loftus urban district council

Christie Ann Farndale, 38

Leslie Farndale, 12, in full time education, born Loftus in about 1909

Polly Farndale, 10, born Loftus in about 1911

Alice Farndale, 6, born Liverton Mines in about 1915

Thomas William Farndale, 2, born Loftus in about 1919

Christie Ann Farndale, 1, born Loftus in about 1920

Frank Wiltshire, 52, boarder. Ironstone miner




Elizabeth Farndale (FAR00887) was born on 10 October 1923.




1939 Register – 53 Coronation Road, Loftus


Thomas W Farndale, born 13 June 1882, local authority cartman

Christie A Farndale, born 6 August 1883

Thomas W Farndale, born 15 August 1917, underground mines horse driver

Christie A Farndale (later Burton), born 7 May 1920, domestic servant

John Stayert


Thomas W Farndale,
died aged 68 in Cleveland District in the last quarter of 1950. He was buried at Loftus cemetery on 27 December 1950. (DR)