George William Farndale

4 July 1886 to 15 December 1948


 The Great Ayton 2 Line


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Post office clerical assistant and civil servant and pianist. He was involved in Drama and the Yorkshire Mummers.


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George William Farndale, son of Joseph and Sophia (nee Houseman) Farndale (FAR00411) was born in Harrogate on 4 July 1886 (1939 Register). George William Farndale’s birth was registered in Knaresborough District in the third quarter of 1886 (GRO Vol 9a page 114).



Census 1891 – Malta Terrace, Bilton with Harrogate, Knaresborough


Joseph Farndale, 35, bootmaker

Sophia Farndale, 35

Maude Farndale, 11

Edith Farndale, 7

George W Farndale, 5

Charles F Farndale, 2




Census 1901, 24 Cheltenham Place, Harrogate


Joseph Farndale, head aged 45, bootmaker


Sophia Farndale, wife, aged 46


Maud Farndale, daughter, aged 22


Edith Elizabeth Farndale, daughter, aged 17, milliner’s apprentice


George Farndale, son aged 14


Charles Farndale, son, aged 12


Esther Margaret Farndale, daughter aged 9


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Census 1911, 24 Drigon Terrace, Harrogate (born Great Ayton)


Joseph Farndale, head aged 56, bootmaker


Sophia Farndale, wife, aged 56


Richard Farndale, widow and father of Joseph, aged 86 (born Nunthorpe) (born 1825)


George Farndale, son aged 25, post office clerk, born Harrogate


Charles Farndale, son, aged 22, clothing shop assistant, born Harrogate


William Farndale, nephew aged 24


Edith Elizabeth Farndale, daughter, aged 27, born Harrogate


Esther Margaret Farndale, daughter aged 20, drapery shop assistant, born Harrogate


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The London Gazette, 2 May 1913 and The Edinburgh Gazette, 6 May 1913. AFTER LIMITED COMPETITION AND UNDER CLAUSE 7 OF THE ORDER IN COUJNCIL OF 10TH JANUARY 1910. Post Office: Clerical Assistant: George William Farndale.



Military Service:

011374 Corporal George William Farndale, RAOC, awarded British War and Victory Medals. (Medal Roll)




George William Farndale was given a temporary exemption in 1918. The exemption may have been for ‘urgent private affairs’, as was the reason for a later period of exemption to 29 September 1918.


World War 1 Tribunal Appeal Papers. George William Farndale, 19 Temple Street, Middlesbrough, Book-keeper and Pay Cler, 24 March 1916: an exemption was granted until 30 July on the understanding that this was to be final. (North Yorkshire Country Record Office, Document Reference NRCC/CL 9/1/110.





1921 censusLeeds


George William Farndale, a boarder, 34, civil service clerk with the Post Office Engineering Depot, Basinghall Street, Leeds


He became involved in drama by 1921:


Mr G W Farndale


Yorkshire Evening Post, 8 October 1921: Mr Colin Bryce has now taken charge of the Leeds Sylvian Society’s rehearsals of “The Cingales”. Mr G W Farndale, photo herewith, is to play Mr Rutland Barrington's original comedy part of Boobhambs.




George W Farndale married Mary I Beecroft in Leeds in the fourth quarter of 1922.




Audrey Farndale (FAR00886) was born on 7 August 1923.


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Leeds Mercury, 19 February 1923: LEEDS CHARITY CONCERT. Members of the Leeds Sylvian Amateur Operatic Society gave a successful concert in aid of the Leeds Workpeople's Hospital Fund to an audience of about a thousdand people last night. A thoroughly praiseworthy and entertaining programme of music was contributed to by the following members of the Sylvian Society ... George Farndale...


Leeds Mercury, 4 December 1923: AMUSEMENTS IN LEEDS. “THE ARCADIANS” AT THE LEEDS GRAND THEATRE. SUCCESSFUL FIRST NIGHT FOR LEEDS “THALIANS”. Last night's production, by the Leeds “Thalian” Amateur Operatic Society, inevitably challenged comparison with its predecessor on the same boards. How successfully it emerged from the ordeal was proved by the obvious enjoyment of a large audience, eager to encore each familiar number. Well mounted, and notably well dressed, the production provides a capital evening’s amusement - for do we not meet, once again, incomparable Peter Doddy, and the equally irresistible Simplicitas? Played by Mr G W Farndale, the Jonah jockey drove each quip and crank home with all the time honoured lugubriousness.


The Stage, 6 December 1923: THE PROVINCES. …  herself with the confidence of the average professional. Another cleverly-played character was that of Peter Doody. G. W. Farndale acting and singing in the recognised lugnbrioita manner. Muriel Clarke and Mrs. Billle Ruston made good impression as Eileen ..




Leeds Mercury, 13 December 1924: AMATEURS AT THE GRAND. The Leeds “Thalian” Amateur Company appear at the Grand, next week in a revival of the musical play, “Havana”. The Company only came into being last year, since when they have successfully produced “The Arcadians” at the Grand, and done much good work in the course of charity. .. The comedy element, which is very strong, is in the hands of …  Mr George Farndale, as Lix...


Yorkshire Post, 13 December 1924: THEATRICAL REHEARSALS. AMATUER AND PANTOMIME PERFORMANCES. Next week the Leeds Thalian Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society, who were a considerable success last year with “The Arcadians” will occupy the stage at the Grand Theatre, with their performances of Leslie Stewart's tuneful musical play, “Havana” in aid of the medical and other local charities. It is anticipated that the veteran composer will himself visit Leeds to attend the production. Last year's principals are again in the csst, which includes... Mr George Farndale...




Chichester Observer, 8 April 1925: SHIPPAM’S SOCIAL CLUB. Shippam’s Social Club wound up the seasons activities last week with another of the popular Assembly Room concerts for members’ wives and friends.... the humorous songs, “Ragtime Yokel”, Mr G Farndale... An amusing little sketch, “Everyday happenings reversed”, by Messrs Farndale and H Lintott...




Leeds Mercury, 31 December 1926: A YOUNG COMPOSER. Miss Gladys Colette, who composed the music for this play, is even now only 18.... the cast will include... and G W Farndale...



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Leeds Mercury 20 October 1926: LEEDS SYLVIANS IN  “THE DANCING MISTRESS.” Miss Gladys Laycock and Mr G Farndale, in the Leeds Sylvians’ production of “The Dancing Mistress” at the Theatre Royal, Leeds, next week. Over £400 was raised for Leeds charities last year.




Leeds Mercury 1 January 1927: “LET’S PRETEND”. NEXT WEEK’S PRODUCTION AT THE LITTLE THEATRE.  “Let's pretend”, a delightful little play for old and young children, by E P Genn, is being given by the combined companies of the Leeds Art Theatre and the Leeds Repertory Company at the Little Theatre, Leeds, on Monday. So confident are the producers of the play’s appeal that they have billed it to run for a fortnight. The cast includes... George Farndale...


The Stage, 6 January 1927: LEEDS LITTLE THEATRE.   For the next fortnight the fantasy, “Let's Pretend” by E P Genn, will be given at this theatre, through the conjoined efforts of the Leeds Repertory Company and the Leeds Art Theatre. The piece has an excellent reception on Monday, and both the juvenile as well as the adult players showed a commendable grasp of the parts allotted to them. A very intelligent conception of Jack comes from Master Laurence Waite, and a similar happy rendering of East Wind is introduced by Vera Hudson,. George Farndale thoroughly grasped the spirit of the part of Peter the Butler and to Gentleman Joe, George Marston gives elocutionary point and finish.


Leeds Mercury, 18 January 1927. LITTLE THEATRE. The fairy pantomime, “Let's Pretend” opened its third week at the Leeds Little Theatre last night.... the leading players include... Mr George Farndale...




Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 3 January 1928: LEEDS SYLVIANS AT WORKHOUSE. Seven hundred inmates of the Leeds Beckett Street Workhouse Infirmary were entertained by the Leeds Sylvian Society, last night, to a supper of sausage and mashed potatoes, mince pies and sweets, followed by a concert, which was given by the members themselves. During the meal, music was provided by a panatrope. Each man and woman wore a coloured paper hat, and the room was decorated with red and white flowers. The artists who contributed to the concert programme included... Mr George Farndale...




Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 9 February 1929: LORD ROTHES APPEAL. The Earl of Rothes, in responding, said that in the whole of his visits throughout the country he found the same tremendous keenness among the “Imps”. As the men and women of tomorrow they realised what great responsibilities awaited them, and they knew that as members of a great and growing organisation they could begin working at once for the good of the Empire, both home and overseas. … during the evening an excellent musical programme was given by … Mr George Farndale, humorist...


Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 23 February 1929: THE ENTERTAININERS. During the afternoon and evening a first class round of amusements and entertainments engaged attention.... In the evening, appreciative audiences heard two excellent performances of A A Milne's play, “The Man in the Bowler Hat”, in which the producer, Mr Clifford Buckton, had an efficient cost which included... and Mr George Farndale...


Leeds Mercury, 9 August 1929: SYLVIANS’ NEXT PRODUCTION. The Leeds Sylvians will soon be ready to put into rehearsal their next production, “Mercenary Mary,” to be staged at the Grand in the middle of November... Mary is to be played by Miss Gladys Lacock,... The male parts are in the hands of … George Farndale (Chris) ...


Bognor Regis Observer, 6 November 1929: SOCIAL CLUB OPENING. There was an excellent attendance at the opening night of the “Unicorn” Social Cub on Monday evening.... among those who contributed to the entertainment were... G Farndale...


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Leeds Mercury, 16 November 1929: SYBIL THORNDIKE IN A NEW SORT OF ROLE. AND THE SYLVIANS, REVUES, VARIETY AND TALKIES. SRTAGE ATTRACTIONS NEXT WEEK. 1- Miss Sybil Thorndike in “Madam Plays Nap” … 3 – Mr George Farndale as “Mr Skinner” in “Mercenary Mary” by the Sylvians at the Leeds Grand


Yorkshire Evening Post, 19 November 1929: AN AMATUER TRIUMPH. ... George Farndale, as the lisping Chris, also inclined too much to the grotesque, though the laughter they provoked may be held to justify the means...


The Stage, 21 November 1929: LEEDS. The chief laughter makers are... George Farndale (Chris)


Bognor Regis Observer, 11 December 1929: SHIPPAMS’ SOCIAL CLUB.  Members of Shippam's social club gave their annual concerts in the Assembly Room, Chichester, on Wednesday and Thursday evening of last week, and there were crowded attendances on either occasion. A laughable sketch, “An insurance claim”, was a main item that found particular appreciation... and G Farndale (the agent), playing their parts in a very capable manner... The rest of the programme included the following... humerous: “The Poor Old Cow”, Mr G Farndale...




The Stage, 20 November 1930: GRAND. ... the stage is held by the Leeds Sylvian Operatic Society in a presentation of “No, No, Nannete.” In the principal parts...  and George Farndale and ... combined in a “riot” or fun...




Portsmouth Evening News, 27 November 1931: CHICHESTER, SOCIAL CLUB CONCERT. A farce called “The Referee” ended the programme of an excellent concert given by Shippam Social Club at the Assembly Room last night. It was a very laughable affair, in which the parts were taken by... G Farndale...


Portsmouth Evening News, 26 November 1931: CHICHESTER LICENSED VICTUALLERS. ANNUAL DINNER. … the entertainers were … Farndale (comedian).


Northern Whig, 28 November 1931 and Burnley Express, 28 November 1931: WIRELESS PROGRAMMES. … 9 – The Yorkshire Mummers in a Pierotie Phantasie. Artists taking part: Dorothy Lee, Millie Hodgson, Phyllis Bryant, Albert Murgatroyd, George Farndale and John Woods-Smith. At the piano: Norman Sykes and Dorothy Spooner. Arranged and produced by John Woods-Smith (from Leeds)…


Bognor Regis Observer, 2 December 1931: SHIPPAMS’ SOCIAL CLUB. FINE CONCERT IN CHICHESTER. Shipham's Social Club are fortunate in having sufficient talent amongst its members to be able to put on a first class concert, and their “annual” is eagerly looked forward to. This year's concert was held in the Assembly Room on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week, and during the three nights comment drew over one thousand people... Mr G Farndale, evidently a prime favourite, also gave a character song. “Come and have a cuddle”. His impersonation was very clever, and his patter kept the audience convulsed. I was rather sorry to notice that he was inclined to step over the line a bit. It was a pity, as it was quite unnecessary, and rather detracted from the performance.


Leeds Mercury, 16 December 1931: … 9.30 – “The Yorkshire Mummers” … George Farndale




Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 3 February 1932:  during the evening a musical programme was given by... and Mr G W Farndale...


Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 6 February 1932: … 9.30 – “The Yorkshire Mummers” … George Farndale


There are a very large number of similar radio listings.


The Staffordshire Sentinel, 29 February 1932:


The Yorkshire Mummers – Dorothy Hodson, George Farndale, Phyllis Murgitroyd, Billy Hodson, John Woods Smith; Dorothy Spooner and Norman Sykes, at the pianos, arranged and produced by John Woods Smith, from Leeds


Mummers' plays are folk plays performed by troupes of amateur actors, traditionally all male, known as mummers or guisers (also by local names such as rhymers, pace-eggers, soulers, tipteerers, wrenboys, and galoshins). Historically, mummers' plays consisted of informal groups of costumed community members that visited from house to house on various holidays. Today the term refers especially to a play in which a number of characters are called on stage, two of whom engage in a combat, the loser being revived by a doctor character. This play is sometimes found associated with a sword dance though both also exist in Britain independently.


Mumming spread from the British Isles to a number of former British colonies. It is sometimes performed in the street but more usually during visits to houses and pubs. It is generally performed seasonally or annually, often at Christmas, Easter or on Plough Monday, more rarely on Halloween or All Souls' Day, and often with a collection of money, in which the practice may be compared with other customs such as those of Halloween, Bonfire Night, wassailing, pace egging and first-footing at new year.


Although the term mummer has been in use since the Middle Ages, no scripts or details survive from that era and the term may have been used loosely to describe performers of several different kinds. The earliest evidence of mummers' plays as they are known today is from the mid- to late 18th century. Mummers' plays should not be confused with the earlier mystery plays.


Aberdeen Press and Journal 29 February 1932: NORTH REGIONAL. .. 7.15 – “The Yorkshire Mummers” (from Leeds) … George Farndale


Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 2 April 1932: THE YORKSHIRE MUMMERS. Four coppers thundered into a telephone box, the line was put through to “North Regional Listeners, One Million”, and, the other night, the Yorkshire Mummers embarked on their fifth show. It had its ups and downs, but many more of the former than the latter. The comedian, George Farndale, who, I think, may be considered a radio “find” scarcely got enough to do. He has the sort of voice, Formbyesque, which the assumption of age can wither excellently, and one of the brightest items was a duologue between him and John Wood Smith as veterans of 90. A comedy number in which three old ladies of the mid Victorian times sniffed at the modern girl, was rather surprising for the Mummers, somewhat indistinct, due, I thought, to over acting. As a whole, however, the entertainment came through up to the standard which we expect from a company so well established in the northern programmes.




Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 1 March 1933: The popular Yorkshire Mummers on Saturday evening again “take the air” with Phyllis Brandt, Dorothy Lee, Millie Hodgson, Frederick Brooke, George Beaumont, George Farndale, and John Woods Smith, who is also the arranger and producer. At the pianos will be Billy Hobson and Jack Lawton. The programme which Miss Gracie Fields is to broadcast from Rochdale tonight will comprise of the following songs...


BBC Programme Index: Sat 18th Mar 1933, 18:30 on Regional Programme London: The Yorkshire Mummers. PHYLLIS BRYANT ; DOROTHY LEE ; MILLIE HODGSON ; FREDERICK BROOKE ; GEORGE BEAUMONT ; GEORGE FARNDALE; JOHN WOODS SMITH At the Pianos, BILLY HOBSON and DOROTHY SPOONER THE YORKSHIRE MUMMERS MELODYMAKERS Arranged and produced by JOHN WOODS SMITH (North Regional Programme) – see BBC programme index.


Liverpool Daily Post, 25 May 1933: THE YORKSHIRE MUMMERS. NORTH REGIONAL PROGRAMME. … 7.15. The Yorkshire Mummers withGeorge Farndale


Halifax Evening Courier, 7 November 1933: GRAND THEATRE, LEEDS. The first amateur performance of the musical comedy, “Mr Cinders”, was given by the Leeds Sylvian Operatic and Dramatic Society, last night, before a packed house.... Other parts were well filled by Mr George Farndale as the policeman...


Chichester Observer, 29 November 1933: … Each part was well done by everyone in the sketch, and the result was very amusing. The village choir scene was very good and the falsetto voices of the females blended well with the male section of the choir under the direction of Rev Peregrine Chick-pen (Mr G Farndale). The National Anthem concluded a really first class and entertaining evening.




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John Woods Smith, Director of the Yorkshire Mummers


Huddersfield Daily Examiner 01 December 1934:




The Yorkshire Mummers, the popular BBC favourites, who are coming to the Theatre Royal next week were formed in October 1931, on the instigation of the BBC, who desired that a regular programme of a light nature be given monthly from the Leeds studios. This was put into the hands of John Woods Smith, whose first programme caused something of a sensation. The success of the experiment was thus assured, the party continued for three years regular broadcasting to all Regionals, National and Empire. They have put on a new programme every month. John Woods Smith is probably one of the oldest regular broadcasters in the north. When asked some little time ago as to what he attributed to the success of the Mummers he replied: “The wonderful team spirit displayed by the whole party”, in fact he always refers to them as his “boys and girls,” and a happier party would be hard to find, thus they make light of anything they undertake, and certainly enjoy their work. The cast is as follows:


·      Millie Hodgson, comedian, one of the original members of the party;

·      Doris Cullerne, soprano, who was for many years one of the principal sopranos of the D’Oyly Caret Opera Company;

·      Frederick Brooke, baritone, who hails from Cleckheaton;

·      Millie Evans, soubrette;

·      George Farndale, comedian, another one of the original members;

·      Ethel Roe, at one of the pianos, has that rare ability of being able to play any type of music, whether it be classical or syncopated;

·      Fred Ainsworth is the other pianist.


There are also the Yorkshire Mummers’ Mabelles under the direction of Mabel Glover. She needs no introduction to Huddersfield audiences. The orchestra is in the hands of Billy Hobson, one of the earliest members of the auction numbers. There will be two performances each evening, at 6:30 and 8:45.




Shipley Times and Express, 11 January 1936: DELIGHTFUL PROGRAMME. The company were then entertained to a delightful programme of songs, duets and “stories”. The artists, all of whom gave of their best, and were deservedly applauded for their artistic performances were... Mr Jack Wood Smith and partner (Mr Farndale), Humorists of the Yorkshire Mummers of the famous BBC...


Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 29 February 1936: OUR FOOD SUPPLIES. The toast of the National Farmers Union to which Mr Wain replied, was proposed by... Mr Eddie Nutter, the Yorkshire dialect comedian, … and Mr G W Farndale entertained the company with song and story.




Lincolnshire Echo 12 January 1938: Lincoln County Hospital’s first public effort of 1938 in aid of the New Buildings Fund will be the concert which will be held at the Savoy Cinema, Lincoln on Sunday evening. Included in the programme will be... the only contributor to the programme from beyond the city will be Mr G W Farndale, the Leeds entertainer who was formerly with the Lancashire Mummers...




1939 Register – 16 Hetton Road, Leeds


George W Farndale, born 4 July 1886, post office engineering clerk

Mary I Farndale, born 18 August 1888

Audrey Ingham (Farndale), born 7 August 1923, at school




South Yorkshire Times and Mexborough & Swinton Times, 16 November 1940: OBITUARY. The death of Mrs Jane Elizabeth Hearnshaw, 81, occurred at 125, Doncaster Road, Denaby, on Friday.... Mourners were … Mr and Mrs G W Farndale...




Chichester Observer, 22 August 1942: The Portland Church Heating Fund benefited by a large sum as a result of a performance at the Portfield Parish Hall, on Tuesday of last week, given by the “Versatile” Concert Party. The programme included songs comment music, sketches and monologues, and the artists were... Mr George Farndale




The Stage, 24 August 1944: WALLY PATCH. Thanks Messrs FARNDALE and B A MAYER for Happy and Successful Sixteen Weeks with their No 1 tour of “Ten Little N…”


The Stage, 14 December 1944: In association with Farndale Limited, another tour has been arranged beginning early in the new year of B A Mayer’s production of Agatha Christie's play, “Ten Little N…s”. It has had successful seasons in New York, London and Paris, and on tour. Terrence de Marney produced the play in London and Paris.




The Stage, 30 August 1945: NOTICE OF REMOVAL. New Address. FARNDALE LTD. 45, Charges Street, W1. Telephone: Six Lines GROsvenor 3312 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7.


Worthing Herald, 11 January 1946: ANOTHER NEW PLAY AT THEATRE ROYAL On Monday next Farndale Limited will present, at Brighton Theatre Royal, a new play, prior to its presentation in London. It is “So Brief the Spring”, a romantic comedy by the famous Lancashire author, Walter Greenwood, author of “Love on the Dole.” and the present Westminster Theatre success, “The Cure for Love”. Walter Greenwood wrote his play especially for Robert Newton, who stars in it....



George W Farndale, died age 62 at Leeds District in the fourth quarter of 1948. (


Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 3 March 1949: GEORGE WILLIAM FARNDALE, of 16 Hetton Road, Leeds, died 15th December, 1948. Particulars to Clegg and Baines, Solicitors, 20 Park Row, Leeds, 1, before 4th May, 1949.


Probate: FARNDALE George William of 16 Hetton Road Leeds died 15 December 1948 Probate Wakefield 23 February to Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Company Limited, Effects £2337 10s 11d.


London Gazette, 4 March 1949: FARNDALE, George William, 16, Hetton Road, Leeds, Retired Civil Servant, 15th December, 1948 – Clegg and Baines, Solicitors., notices of claim given to 4 May 1949.